AP Recovery
Benefits Assistance Clients’ Urban Project (BACUP)
Homeless Outreach Program Integrated Care Services (HOPICS)
Asian and Pacific Islander Forward Movement (APIFM)
Occupational Therapy Training Program (OTTP)
PALS for Health
Access to Prevention Advocacy Intervention & Treatment (APAIT)
Project 180
R&E Research & Evaluation
Weber Community Center (WCC)
Occupational Therapy Training Program – San Francisco (OTTP-SF)
Integrated Behavioral Health Team (IBHT)
Asian Pacific Counseling & Treatment Centers (APCTC)

Health Disparities in South Los Angeles

SSG’s Research & Evaluation Team (R&E) has been working closely with the South Los Angeles BHC (SLABHC) and The California Endowment to help change the negative narrative of South Central Los Angeles with hopes of creating long-term systems change solutions. In close collaboration with the SSG R&E team and other consultants, the SLABHC created a series of podcasts to unpack the health inequities that are driven by oppressive systems that plague the daily lives of South Central residents.

The members of the SLABHC identified key drivers that lead to the health disparities seen in the South Central community such as displacement, unemployment, poverty, policing, and environmental racism. To hear a more in depth story of these health disparities and how South LA community residents & organizers are fighting, please tune into the series of podcasts and be sure to explore the SLABHC website for more information about community movements happening in South LA!