AP Recovery
Benefits Assistance Clients’ Urban Project (BACUP)
Homeless Outreach Program Integrated Care Services (HOPICS)
Homeless Outreach Program Integrated Care Services (HOPICS)
Asian and Pacific Islander Forward Movement (APIFM)
Occupational Therapy Training Program (OTTP)
PALS for Health
Access to Prevention Advocacy Intervention & Treatment (APAIT)
Project 180
R&E Research & Evaluation
Weber Community Center (WCC)
Occupational Therapy Training Program – San Francisco (OTTP-SF)
Integrated Behavioral Health Team (IBHT)
Asian Pacific Counseling & Treatment Centers (APCTC)

Homeless Outreach Program Integrated Care Services (HOPICS)

Our Vision:

To provide the best quality of service to homeless and low-income households in South Los Angeles and surrounding areas and to employ the most qualified staff available and build our services and programs to meet the diverse needs of the community.

Our Work: 

HOPICS provides a continuum of homeless services and specialized behavioral health care, including a Trauma Recovery Center dedicated for victims and witnesses of crime.  HOPICS also serves as the regional lead for the SPA 6 (South LA) Coordinated Entry System for Homeless Single Adults and Families.  Through HOPICS’ existing integrated health and social services programming, the division currently provides services to some of the most underserved communities, which include: homeless or at risk of becoming homeless; mentally ill; African American and Hispanic/Latino racial/ethnic groups; members of immigrant groups- including undocumented persons; individuals with severe trauma-related symptoms or complex psychological issues; and juvenile victims, including minors who have had contact with the justice system. In addition to its several Rapid Re-Housing programs, as well as the SPA 6 Access Center, HOPICS also operates the first publicly funded enhanced bridge housing for transgender women through a unique SSG divisional collaboration with APAIT.
