AP Recovery
Benefits Assistance Clients’ Urban Project (BACUP)
Homeless Outreach Program Integrated Care Services (HOPICS)
Asian and Pacific Islander Forward Movement (APIFM)
Occupational Therapy Training Program (OTTP)
PALS for Health
Access to Prevention Advocacy Intervention & Treatment (APAIT)
Project 180
R&E Research & Evaluation
Weber Community Center (WCC)
Occupational Therapy Training Program – San Francisco (OTTP-SF)
Integrated Behavioral Health Team (IBHT)
Asian Pacific Counseling & Treatment Centers (APCTC)


Our Vision:

SILVER’s goal is to ensure those in their golden years can healthily and comfortably ‘age in place.’

Our Work: 

Sustaining Independent Lives with Vital Empowering Resources (SILVER) has a long history and proven track record of providing services to the hard-to-reach racial and ethnic communities through linguistically and culturally appropriate care management services, as well as to mainstream, English speaking communities. The hallmark of SILVER’s program is field-based mental health and intensive case management services. Approximately 85% of all services are rendered within the community where clients reside, bridging the gaps in accessibility. SILVER’s staff is equipped with extensive experience working with low-income, chronically homeless and formerly homeless individuals with health, mental health and substance use issues, including those suffering from the most severe and persistent mental illness and with a long track record of homelessness, incarceration, and or are at extreme risk of homelessness and incarceration.