AP Recovery
Benefits Assistance Clients’ Urban Project (BACUP)
AP Recovery
Homeless Outreach Program Integrated Care Services (HOPICS)
Asian and Pacific Islander Forward Movement (APIFM)
Occupational Therapy Training Program (OTTP)
PALS for Health
Access to Prevention Advocacy Intervention & Treatment (APAIT)
Project 180
R&E Research & Evaluation
Weber Community Center (WCC)
Occupational Therapy Training Program – San Francisco (OTTP-SF)
Integrated Behavioral Health Team (IBHT)
Asian Pacific Counseling & Treatment Centers (APCTC)

AP Recovery

AP Recovery provides a full range of mental health services to Asian Pacific Islander adults in Los Angeles County with severe and persistent mental illness. The program offers vital culturally and linguistically sensitive mental health services to the mentally ill API individuals who are unreachable by mainstream mental health programs. It offers opportunities for enrolled program members to grow, to become self-sufficient and to improve the quality of their lives. Language capability consists of English, Cantonese, Mandarin, Korean and Vietnamese.

Our Vision:

We envision equitable access and services in mental health support for individuals and families that otherwise have been misrepresented and ignored in the mental health system.

Our Work:

AP Recovery  provides behavioral health services to the South LA community, and its unique capacity is especially important in helping those who are severely and persistently ill, often overlooked and unable to access mainstream health programs. AP Recovery is a member of the API Alliance consortium and is currently contracted by the Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health (DMH) to provide behavioral health services to adults. It is a specialized program designed to provide a full range of culturally and linguistically competent mental health treatment approaches to meet the needs of its target population of API individuals ages 18-59. Its innovative approach includes psychotherapy, medication support, case management, psychosocial rehabilitation groups, wellness groups, housing, educational and employment support and linkages to other community resources. The uniqueness of the program lies in its ability to provide assertive and seamless community-based services and resources that are culturally and linguistically relevant to consumers and their families, especially those living with co-existing difficulties such as substance abuse, homelessness or involvement with the judicial system. Bicultural and bilingual care coordinators provide holistic services customized to the needs of individuals and families in their settings.


Services Offered


  • Outpatient services –Adults and Older Adults
  • Field Capable Clinical Services – Adults and Older Adults
  • Full Service Partnership services – Adults
  • Each service utilizes psycho-social rehabilitation model which consists of the following components:
    • Medication Support Services
    • Mental Health Services (Individual & Group)
    • Case Management Services